Friday, October 30, 2009

Red Ribbon Week!!

This is a Red Ribbon week at Bushland...we are dedicating this week to Trent. You know in the past Red Ribbon week was just fun activies at school, wearing different clothes each day and teachers' would teach something about drugs "just say no to drugs."

Been involved with this special week for years until it hits home. The bottom fell out.

It became peronsal.

It became my family's mission.

Speaking from experience, drugs destroys lives.

Each day during the Red Ribbon Week, made us to think about our brother and son.

Red Day - wear red shirt stating that "we want to stop drugs"

Each day, the girls wore something different - crazy hair day, college day, spirit day, and backwards day.

Trent, this week has been dedicated to you. We love you and we know that you're getting so much better.

1 comment:

  1. that's so true. red ribbon week doesn't mean much until it affects your life. So glad to hear how Trent is improving and growing.
