Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Trip to Lubbock

Scott and I took Tori to Lubbock this past weekend. Tori and I were invited to speak and sing at Raintree Church with Jared and Patty Swopes. We ate at Triple J's on Friday night and went swimming at La Quinda Inn. Tori loves hotels!!!! She said that she's planning on living in one. More like Zack and Cody's Suite!!!! On Sunday morning, Joseph Bonjour came and interpreted for us. It was great seeing him. He stayed and ate lunch with us. Scott and Joseph chatted and laughing the whole time. He's like a son to us and we've been blessed by his interpreting and fellowship with us.

We took Tori to the famous Lubbock mall. She's been dying to go there! Jared and Patty's family also went with us. We had fun "shopping". We had to leave by 4 pm so we can visit Trent. Scott and Tori were starving for Cinnabon! Can you imagine that! Scott drove around Lubbock and found Cinnabon!! So we stopped and ordered 2 of them. Then after they were satisfied with their cinnabon, we hit the road to see Trent.

Tiara has gone with Neenee and Papa to the Mountains. She's been gone for a week. The house has been so quiet. I really missed Tiara and so do the cats. Tori is bored and not having Tiara around really makes her life more boring. Tiara keeps Tori on her toes!

Tori had a blast!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Trent said......

We went visit Trent this past Sunday after we got back from Lubbock. He looked good and he seemed to be calm. Trent is out of the IIP program and moved up to SAIT program on Tuesday. He explained how different it was between IIP/ SAIT. He said that if he does his work correctly and timely, he should be out in January of 2010. His projects are writing autobiography from the time he was a kid to now. He showed us what he has to do and I can't remember everything that he showed us. However, he needs your prayers. Please pray that God will use this time to heal him and strengthening him each day. He has his daily battles to be fought and please pray for wisdom and strength to make right choices. He said that the second program was more relaxed than the first program but it has more work load and projects. He looked real good and please pray for him.

~Scott and Angie

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Our nap time!

I forgot to add one of our favorite pictures that Tori snuck out and took a picture of me and Scott while we were asleep...It happened on Saturday, June 13th when we went to Breezy's funeral, then went to our church for lunch with the O'Dell family. After that we went home and changed clothes then went over to my parents in law's house stayed there for a while. Scott, Abby and I were about to visit our son Trent. But we sat together and fell asleep. We were exhausted from the last few weeks. We haven't had a nap. It is our first time for us to nap together! Man, it was a good nap. Tori took the picture and when I woke up to check my bb and I noticed that our nap picture was there. I am glad that Tori took the picture because it has become our favoirte picture...here is a proof that taking a nap keeps us beautiful!!!!!!


June 2009


I'm sorry that it took so long to update! I have been busy with my work, so I haven't had the chance to download pictures. I hate being this far the behind!

Sunday June 7th, We took Tori to Medi Park and her friends threw a surprise farewell party for her because she's moving to Bushland school in the fall. When I got out of van, I reached back to get Tori's attention and Tori didn't see me...Guess What? She closed the van door and slammed my hand hard and what's even more...Scott LOCKED the door!!!! I couldn't yell...I was in shock. Scott looked at me and realized that I was hurting, and tried his best to unlock the door as quick as he could and then Tori, bless her heart, tried her dangest to open the door!!! Scott finally unlocked the door and Tori got the stupid van door open...it hurt like....I guess I shouldn't be putting vulgar language on my blog but that's how I felt.

The next day, Scott took me to the doctor to have my hand xrayed. There weren't any broken bones and the doctor said that I must have torn tendon or a ligament. I got a thumb brace...it's helping me a lot. I have to keep it immobile for at least 6 weeks.

Our niece, Abby, brought her daughter, Emmy, from Mississippi. She stayed with Neenee and Pawpaw. We brought her to the Youth Center to visit Trent and he was SURPRISED to see her. Abby said that Trent looked better than ever. She said that her visitation with Trent was the highlight of her trip.

Neenee, Pawpaw, Scott, Tori, Tiara, Abby, Emmy and I went to the Zoo. We saw the Spider Monkeys and Scott asked me if my "brothers" were in the trees! He thinks he's funny. We walked around and saw the lion up close. Scott said that it was Simba and Nala. He kept calling out..."Simba, Simba...come here!" What makes him do that....he thinks he's a Dr. Doolittle.
Oh, whatever.

Today is FATHER'S DAY. We took Scott to Furrs this morning for breakfast. It was special! Scott loves breakfast more than anything and we ate the place up! Then we went to church, all bloated up!!!! We swore that we'll never eat breakfast again....yeah right! Church went great and it was nice worshipping God on father's day, for He is our Father.

We went over to Neenee and Pawpaw's house for ice cream and brownies....MMMMMM!
The whole family came over and we devoured the brownies and ice cream!! Pawpaw warned me to get some ice cream because everyone was pouring BIG HELPINGS in their bowls. As I was 'trying to scoop' my ice cream with my injured hand (I still had my thumb/wrist brace on), Pawpaw asked me, "Are you trying to be like Michael Jackson?" Very funny!!!!

We went outside to take pictures of all the dads. It's a funny thing to watch older men sucking in their stomachs, hold their breaths...while posing for pictures. I held my camera as long as I could to see how long they can hold it...(heheheh evil laughter).

Oh by the way, We went to visit our son Trent. He was excited to tell us that he is moving next to SAIT (SAY IT) (Substance Abuse Intervention) on Tuesday from IIP (Intensive Intervention Program) He went to IIP for 3 months then will go to SAIT for 6 months. He is looking forward to a new program for him to learn! He said it's very strict. It's good for him! I miss him terribly!! He looked good and even more handsome! SMILE


Thursday, June 11, 2009

In Loving Memory of Breezy O'Dell

Breezy O'Dell passed away yesterday after battle with her longtime ill. She fought for her life for 19 2/3 years. Wow, she NEVER gave up. The Lord has called her home. She is a good example for all of us to follow - trust God and things will be good. One thing that touched my heart...she never complains about her ILL. She had a keratitis-icnthyosis deafness also known as (KID) Syndrome, a genetic skin diease. And in recent weeks, doctors had found out that she had cancer in her mouth and lung.

Scott, Tori and I went to ER to visit her and her parents for a little while. Her mom looked at us when we walked in, she had a meltdown and hugged us. I know how hard it has been on Cindy and Mark (Breezy's parents). They take care of her all their life. That's so amazing me how much the parents love her never give up on their daughter. That touch my heart! After we visit them, We left ER and walked to van, Tori mentioned to us with her smile said, "It's time for her to go home and be with the Lord. When she gets to heaven, she can see, hear and will look beautiful girl with a pretty hands, face and her hair. We will see her when we go to heaven!" Wow! Yes, that is so true. We who are still in the world, complain how compare we looks ugly, pretty, thin, fat, whatever it comes out negative think of, should NOT complain! Like what our pastor Darrell said last Sunday and I agree with him 100 precent! We all are too selfish to focus on things. We should be like Breezy, She is SO amazing! We are so glad that she is part of our lives and learn so much about her!

We would like to share our funny story what she said to us.
Scott said,"One day, Breezy was a junior, she came to me and said, "I WANT TO BE A WRESTLER."
Scott said, "Ask your mom first."
Breezy said,"MY DECISION!"
Breezy, "NO MY DECISION!!!!!"
She said over and over again! So Scott said, "Ohh, ok!"
Scott asked her if she ever thought about trying out for the swim team. She got all excited about it. So she took swimming lessons. She is so awesome the BEST at swimming! I wish I want be just like her! I am not very good at swimming! Ha.... I am so proud of her!

And one day, She wrote a message to me on MySpace asked me to be her an interpeter for church every Sundays and Wednesdays.
Breezy said, "You are my favorite person! My mom will pay you interpet for me so tell me how much do you want my mom to pay?"
I told her "Thank you so much. Your so sweet but I am more than happy to interpet for you anytime at no cost!"
She kept saying, "No, My mom will pay you, just tell me how much?"
She is so stubborn! She just wanted to do what's right. That's her! I'll never forget about it. She is a sweet girl with a big heart!
She passed away around 4:00 yesterday(June 10, 2009). Now she is at home with Lord. Paul said, "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." NOW and FOREVER, she can celebrate, dance, sing with her new voice and can see and hear everything perfect! I am so happy for her because she does not have to suffer any more.
Please pray for the O'Dell family.

I just want to share you with her how amazing she fought for her life!

Monday, June 8, 2009


Hi, I am new in Blogspot and I am looking forward to share my family's story. I would like to thank Libby for encouraged me to use blogspot. Her blogs inspired me and I hope to be as inspiring as she is. I want everyone to know my story. So please be patient with me because this is new and a learning experience. Actually, it's fun! So please come back time to time to check the updates.

I have a wonderful husband Scott of 20 years! Can you imagine that we have been married for a very long time! He is a good husband and father. I am a very lucky woman to have him! Scott works very hard to support his family. Thank you, Scott, and I love you! I have 3 precious children Trent-16, Tori-12 and Tiara-9. They are blessings and gifts from God. They are joyful to be around.

I'm happy that Scott got a new job at Bushland High School as a head wrestling coach and middle school football coach. It's time for Scott to move on to new challenge and explore the unknown. Our kids will attend to Bushland school this fall. They are really exciting about it! We are about to move on to a new chapter of our lives and we're looking forward meeting our new friends. We can't wait for school to start!!!!

I am going to tell you a story about my son, Trent. He asked Scott and I to share his story. He is in drug/alcohol rehab at Youth Center. He's been there since January 28th, 2008. He has been involved deeply with drugs and alcohol. Scott and I prayed that he would get caught and boy, did he. I thank God for putting him into rehab where he can learn to overcome drugs. So far, he's been doing good. The old Trent is back...making jokes, laughing having a good time. Trent told me that he needed help. We have supported and encouraged him through out the tough times. Scott shared several Bible verses with Trent, especially James chapter 1 where he talked about "considering all joy when you face various trials..." We told Trent that we forgave him just as God forgave him. He knows that he has made many wrong choices and hung around with wrong people. Trent said, "Even Christians gets suck into the wrong crowd. We just learn how to be strong and stand firm to do what's right. I must learn to battle tempations and make wise choices."

Most recent picture of Trent

Tori is our second daughter and she's full of life. She hates to be bored! She will be attending Bushland Middle School in the fall. She was involved with Bowie's Choir and she's also involved with theater and wrestling. Yikes! yes, yes, yes...she is a wrestler! I never dreamed that my little girl will ever become a wrestler. She's very prissy! She's a girly girl who loves to dress up beautifully. She loves modeling. This is her second year with modeling school. However, when she steps on the mat...she is totally different person. My girly daughter becomes Scott's favorite wrestler! What a transformation! She is a competitive wrestler who hates losing more than she likes winning. Scott is expecting her to win STATE in 2013 and 2014. Tori guarantees it

Tiara is our third daughter. She is handful...you know what...if she had been the first born...she'd be the only child! She is so much like her dad, oh poor thing. Tiara loves adventure and she explores into EVERYTHING. She loves to play fastpitch softball and promised her dad that she'll become a wrestler like Tori. Tiara loves to draw and has aspirations to become an artist. She wants to become everything she sees...singer, movie actor, artist, softball player, wrestler and now, she found a new endeavor to pursue...ochestra!
