After the meeting, I asked them if we could take pictures of Trent and see how great he looks. Trent took us to his dorm room and showed how tidy his room is! He was extremely proud of his room. Books stacked perfectly, bed made up so tight that you can bounce a quarter on it, and he has a window view. He also has ping pong table, foosball, and guitar in the living room. Scott said that Trent is so mature now that he was before. He said that you can tell the way he talks...he has confidence in himself. Trent even said that he misses Tori and Tiara so much. He realized that they look up to him. He said that he can't wait to get out and be a family again.
Trent, we are still a family. We talk about you everyday, especially Dad. He misses you more than anything. You may not realize this but Dad really wants you home more than anything. So does Tori, Tiara, Neenee, PawPaw, Miki, Baby, myself and everyone else. We are pulling for you and we thank God for saving your life. Son, I love you.
PS: We got to see Trent again on Saturday, Sept. 5th. We had a great time visiting with each other. Trent was very talkative and he laughed the hardest when Scott told him that Neenee started to get involved with Facebook. He couldn't believe it. He thought it was cool to have his granny on Facebook. Trent's main concern was how he affected all of us with his lifestyle. He is very concerned how his involvement with drugs and alcohol has affected his sisters. He mentioned about going to al-teen and Al-non, organizations which helps family members who have been victimized by drugs and alcohol. Scott and I are going to check it out because it will help all of us.

Guess what? I finally got in to your blog. Don't know how I did it but who cares I made it. I love the picture!!!!! I still miss him.