Breezy O'Dell passed away yesterday after battle with her longtime ill. She fought for her life for 19 2/3 years. Wow, she NEVER gave up. The Lord has called her home. She is a good example for all of us to follow - trust God and things will be good. One thing that touched my heart...she never complains about her ILL. She had a keratitis-icnthyosis deafness also known as (KID) Syndrome, a genetic skin diease. And in recent weeks, doctors had found out that she had cancer in her mouth and lung.
Scott, Tori and I went to ER to visit her and her parents for a little while. Her mom looked at us when we walked in, she had a meltdown and hugged us. I know how hard it has been on Cindy and Mark (Breezy's parents). They take care of her all their life. That's so amazing me how much the parents love her never give up on their daughter. That touch my heart! After we visit them, We left ER and walked to van, Tori mentioned to us with her smile said, "It's time for her to go home and be with the Lord. When she gets to heaven, she can see, hear and will look beautiful girl with a pretty hands, face and her hair. We will see her when we go to heaven!" Wow! Yes, that is so true. We who are still in the world, complain how compare we looks ugly, pretty, thin, fat, whatever it comes out negative think of, should NOT complain! Like what our pastor Darrell said last Sunday and I agree with him 100 precent! We all are too selfish to focus on things. We should be like Breezy, She is SO amazing! We are so glad that she is part of our lives and learn so much about her!
We would like to share our funny story what she said to us.
Scott said,"One day, Breezy was a junior, she came to me and said, "I WANT TO BE A WRESTLER."
Scott said, "Ask your mom first."
Breezy said,"MY DECISION!"
Breezy, "NO MY DECISION!!!!!"
She said over and over again! So Scott said, "Ohh, ok!"
Scott asked her if she ever thought about trying out for the swim team. She got all excited about it. So she took swimming lessons. She is so awesome the BEST at swimming! I wish I want be just like her! I am not very good at swimming! Ha.... I am so proud of her!
And one day, She wrote a message to me on MySpace asked me to be her an interpeter for church every Sundays and Wednesdays.
Breezy said, "You are my favorite person! My mom will pay you interpet for me so tell me how much do you want my mom to pay?"
I told her "Thank you so much. Your so sweet but I am more than happy to interpet for you anytime at no cost!"
She kept saying, "No, My mom will pay you, just tell me how much?"
She is so stubborn! She just wanted to do what's right. That's her! I'll never forget about it. She is a sweet girl with a big heart!
She passed away around 4:00 yesterday(June 10, 2009). Now she is at home with Lord. Paul said, "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." NOW and FOREVER, she can celebrate, dance, sing with her new voice and can see and hear everything perfect! I am so happy for her because she does not have to suffer any more.
Please pray for the O'Dell family.
I just want to share you with her how amazing she fought for her life!