We had a great time at in- laws. Our girls got the great presents from everyone in the family. They were so excited especially the coolest lunch boxes that my niece Teffny gave Tori and Tiara! They always bring their lunch boxes to school everyday. Here is the old lunch boxes that I got for them from Dallas that I went to shopping with Trudy and Rhonda at the World Biggest Flea (I couldn't remember) It has been about 4 or 5 years ago! This is the BEST Christmas we've ever had! But sad that Trent is not here with us. We have his presents and hold until he gets home to open the presents! I will take pictures! Hope you had a great Christmas Eve!

New lunch boxes and LOVE IT!


Old lunch boxes..Our favoirte and cute!
Merry Christmas Eve from The Tankersleys! ;)
very very cute lunch boxes!!! looks like ya'll had a great christmas! i love the slideshow. great job as always. oily!!